Dear Friend,

Life rarely turns out how we expect it to. Each birthday and New Year’s gives us a chance to reflect on how far we’ve come – to see how we’ve done in fulfilling our own desires and to laugh at how differently our reality turned out from our plans.

When I opened my first blog two and a half years ago – a little piece of the internet I called “Ironicka” – I don’t think I ever suspected it to turn into this. I always had dreams of making the world a better place, and I began formulating plans to do so in these past years, but it’s never turned out as I planned.

It’s turned out better. And that’s because of you.

Honestly, I mean that. You are the very heart and soul of everything that I do. Without you, The Love Mindset would just be another pile of dead trees. Without you, this blog would just be another string of binary code. Without you, nothing I say would be of any use to anyone.

Changing the world is a conversation. It takes people to speak and people to listen. So, thank you for listening.

Even though I can’t possibly express my gratitude for you completely, because that gratitude is ever-growing each day, I am going to try.

On June 1st, just over twenty-seven years ago, I was born in Donetsk Regional hospital #17 in the Ukraine. For all these years, it seems my birthdays have been about receiving. Everyone assumes they have to do something for me on that day to show me they care. Well, this coming June 1st, I want to do something different. I want to show you that I care.

On my birthday, I want to give you a gift.

I honestly believe that love isn’t a feeling. Love is an awareness. We feel love when we are aware of its presence all around us. Sure, we can be triggered into that awareness by someone giving to us. But you know what else helps us get in touch with love? Giving.

So, I want to give you a gift. You might say that my gratitude is enough, but I know I have more than that. I have this book, you know.

I know that there are people all over the world who need what’s in The Love Mindset so badly, but they can’t access it. Maybe you’re one of those people. Maybe you know someone like that.

If I could hand out crates of this book to everyone, I would. I can, however, do the next best thing.

In honour of my birthday, I am giving The Love Mindset e-book away for free. There’s no catch. You don’t have to put in your name and email address. Even though I don’t spam anyone who signs up to my email list, I don’t want this to be like that. I just want to give with no strings attached.

If you haven’t read it, enjoy it. If you have read it, please get a copy for someone you know could use it or send them to this page so they can download it themselves. If you’re feeling extra generous, you can share the paperback with someone you love, but I’m not going to ask you to do that. You can do whatever you feel is right. That’s what I am doing now.

You can download the book using the link below. The zip file comes with all formats (pdf, mobi, and epub). I am going to keep this available and open until the day after my birthday (June 2nd).

I hope that you can feel my love for you, although these are just words on a screen, and I hope you will pass on and share this experience with others. That is the greatest gift I could ever ask for: a world more in touch with love, love for ourselves and one another.

Thank you for being a part of that.

Update (June 2, 2015): The timeline for this offer has passed. You can, however, get a sneak preview of the book here. If you have any trouble affording the book after you’ve read the preview, send me an email. There’s always a way to work these things out. 

Your Friend,
