Love and Gaslight (Poetry)

Love and Gaslight by Vironika Wilde poetry book

More than a poetry book, Love and Gaslight is a story. Divided into five chapters, it sparks with one woman’s decision to leave an unhappy relationship. Her choice begins a painful unraveling. Poem by poem, she searches for lost innocence and unpalatable truth.

She is a sexual assault survivor reclaiming her body. She is an immigrant climbing into the home-sized hole in her heart. She is an adult comforting her inner child. She is a woman questioning the social conditioning that governs her freedom.

Love and Gaslight is raw, political, and transgressive. It’s edgy, feminist, and relevant. Most importantly, it’s honest. You will feel it. Whether it makes you feel sad, glad, or attacked, it will also make you feel brave enough to speak your truth.

The Art of Talking to Yourself

The Art of Talking to Yourself by Vironika Tugaleva is now available in paperback and ebook. Start reading it at

This might look like a self-help book. It might even read like one. Once you dive into its pages, however, you will find some differences. Unlike others of its kind, this book does not promise results or give expert opinions. It is neither a miracle cure nor a magic potion. It does not pretend to have all the answers.

Rather, this book is a plea for self-trust and a gentle guide to self-awareness. Instead of helping you become who you think you should be, The Art of Talking to Yourself hopes to introduce you to someone more interesting: who you are.

So this book will not fix you. But if the words herein have their intended effect, you will flip the last page realizing that you do not need to be fixed. This book, rather than a cure, is an exploration—a curious adventure into your inner mystery. If it inspires you to understand yourself better, it has done its job.

The Love Mindset

After a decade-long struggle with mental distress, addiction, eating disorders, and profound self-hatred, Vironika Tugaleva faced a choice: change or die. Reluctantly, she chose to change. Nothing could have prepared her for what came next.

Vironika’s life as a suffering cynic ended when she found herself having a spiritual awakening. Drawing from first-hand experience, what Vironika says in this important and timely book isn’t fanciful fluff or indoctrinating dogma. Her approach to healing, love, and spirituality is unconventional, deep, and refreshingly real.

Winner of the Readers’ Favorite silver medal for best self-help book of 2013, The Love Mindset offers a surprisingly simple look at how we can heal our relationships with ourselves and with each other.

If you feel like you’re too broken to fix, hold out your last shred of hope and give Vironika a try. She won’t disappoint you. She will teach you about the power of love, the purpose of life, and the potential of people united. She will show you to yourself.